14 thoughts on “2017

  1. Hi Kiana, we don’t know each other, but my dear friend Felicia from Sweden (whom you met last week) has told me and shown me things about and of your work as soon as she got home. She sent me a picture of the piece she bought from you and the snapshots of your diary. And it is even more beautiful than she described it to me. I love your diary, you obviously put a lot of your soul and your love in every thing you write down in that diary. I heard about the journey you have been through and I just felt the urge to tell you that – even tho I don’t know you – you are one hell of a force which shines through your work. Don’t ever let anything or anyone kill that spark. Love, Su from Holland

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  2. Så roligt att se din utveckling genom åren. Du är verkligen gifted!!! Jag hoppas din styrka kommer hjälpa dig igenom den svåraste perioden i ditt liv. Du verkar vara en krigare av oanade mått, så du kommer komma ut på andra sidan, starkare och ännu mer inspirerad till att måla det mest otroliga tavlor och skriva de mest berörande dikter. Älskar allt på din fina hemsida!! xoxoxoxoxo

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  3. Kiana you are amazing. Your art is the best I’ve ever seen and considering I do art at school I’ve seen a lot of art work, bit yours has something different to it. They would look amazing in an art gallery… Hint hint. Loads of love xxxxxxx bianca miller xxxxx

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  4. What wonderful art Kiana. I love it all and hope we will one day have the pleasure of seeing the pictures in a gallery. You are truly talented and inspired! x x Tina

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  5. Hej Kiana! Wow inte visste jag att du höll på och målade och illustrerade så mycket. Verkligen mycket imponerad över dina masterpiece på webben. Du vet jag sitter på Småris och tittar ut över sjön och hästarna går och betar och solen gassar och det är svensk högsommar. Men jag ska gå in i mörkret inne så jag kan se dina konstverk bättre!!!!! Och så håller vi tummarna och tänker på dig inför måndagen. Hoppas du kommer vlrdtå svenskan utan alla våra små ” dots” överallt. Stor stor kram till dig!!!!

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  6. Hi Kiana! I’m so impressed by your beautiful art, wonderful poems and inspiring fotos. All together truly fantastisc. I’m looking forward to follow your productive work. Love Anna!

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  7. Your art is truly amazing! I have looked at the pictures several times and I discover new things in them each time. A couple of them remind me of pictures in books about trolls and elves that I read and loved as a child. The mix of patterns and colors in your work is beautiful and also interesting and you definitely want to see more! Kram Mia Nisell

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  8. Hi dearest Kiana , so very interesting to look throug your beautiful art works. I did not know that you have produced so much within such a big variety of alsters. You really have developed a very personal style that appeals a lot to me. You should really make sure that people could see it live. Br Peter Westermark

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  9. Kiana – your brilliant work was just brought to my attention. You are so incredibly creative and talented. I have looked through all your paintings – I love that each year has its own style and yet your rich use of colour and meticulous detail can be seen as a signature throughout. What talent!
    I have read all of your poems, too, and they are hauntingly beautiful. Wow! Have you published any? What of your paintings? Have you had an exhibition? You must!
    Love your photographs, too. You are an amazing artist – keep following your muse!

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